Jeneece Place magic: The story behind the banana cake

A quick stop by the kitchen on the way to the hospital – something sweet and satisfying to calm the nerves.

At our Homes away from home, we’ve seen how food can bring joy and comfort to families in the tougher moments. And we love it when guests share their favourite recipes with us – it’s a wonderful way to remain connected to them.

Recently, we were reminded of the power of food to connect us.

During a 55-day stay at Jeneece Place while her son received critical care in the NICU, one thoughtful mom wanted to give something back. So, she gifted us a beloved family recipe – her grandmother’s banana cake.

A few years later, a Jeneece Place team member noticed some spotty ripe bananas on the kitchen counter. She found the cake recipe and baked it up. Soon the whole house was filled with that warm, inviting, familiar aroma.

The very next day, a familiar face walked into the kitchen. It was the mom who had shared the recipe years ago — the family was staying at Jeneece Place again during their son’s hospital appointment. As she tasted the cake, her eyes widened in surprise and her face lit up with joy: “They’re still using my grandma’s recipe! I could totally tell it was hers.”

Moments like these remind us of the special connections forged at Jeneece Place. Families come to us in times of need, and through shared experiences, we become a part of their stories.

And even in the midst of challenges, there’s always room for a little bit of Jeneece Place magic.

Do you have a special recipe or story from your time at Jeneece Place? We’d love to hear it! Share your experiences with us: