How an adaptive bike from Bear Essentials changed Roland’s life

From the moment he was born, Roland was a happy and joyful boy, always laughing and squealing with delight. However, his parents, Aubrey and Jeremy, began to notice differences as he grew. Roland wasn’t meeting his developmental milestones like other kids his age.

“We knew he was behind, but we didn’t worry much at first. We understand that all kids develop differently,” Aubrey says. “But then he had a seizure, and every nurse and doctor seemed more concerned about his development than the seizure itself. That’s when we realized how serious things really were.”

Navigating a complex health care journey

This marked the start of a long and challenging journey for the family. They were introduced to developmental pediatricians, early intervention specialists, and medical professionals, including cardiologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, and more. They consulted with speech pathologists, behaviour consultants, and occupational therapists. But finding the right support for Roland wasn’t easy—autism presents differently in every child, and navigating the many available therapies was overwhelming.

For a time, doctors believed Roland might have a degenerative disease that could shorten his life expectancy to 12 years. Thankfully, further testing revealed this wasn’t the case. Yet, Roland’s journey remained difficult. His lack of coordination and awareness of danger led to a severe head injury when he was just three, resulting in a skull fracture. Aubrey and Jeremy were terrified and took extraordinary measures to keep him safe, even removing all the furniture from their living room for two years and installing multiple child safety gates.

“Things started to feel pretty dark,” the couple shared. “When you have this perfect child, and everyone is telling you all the things they won’t do—talk, swim, ride a bike—it’s hard to hear.”

Roland wasn’t interested in things most children enjoyed. Toys went untouched, books unread, and he didn’t engage with peers at school. But a significant turning point came when Aubrey noticed Roland watching another child ride an adaptive tricycle at school. She asked if Roland could try it, and to their surprise, he took to it right away.

A turning point on wheels

The adaptive bike was designed specifically for children like Roland, with a high back and strap to secure him, ankle straps to keep his feet in place, and a handle allowing a caregiver to steer. It became an essential part of his school routine, allowing Roland to participate in activities alongside his peers.

Inspired by his progress, Aubrey began looking for a similar bike for home use. However, the cost was beyond the family’s reach. That’s when Bear Essentials stepped in, gifting Roland a bike just before the school year ended.

A life-changing impact for Roland and his family

The bike has been life changing. “Usually, he’s not interested in doing things,” Aubrey shares, “but he loves this bike. It’s a way for him to burn energy, which he really needs.”

For the family, the impact has been profound. Aubrey says it has given them more freedom to enjoy time outdoors. “It’s hard for me to take both boys outside by myself because they’ll run in opposite directions, and I can’t catch them both. But with Roland on the bike, he’s safe. I can take them both outside and not worry about anyone running into traffic.”

Looking toward a brighter future

This specialized equipment has not only transformed Roland’s life but has also brought a sense of peace and possibility to his family. It’s given them the chance to explore, play, and imagine a future that once seemed out of reach.

“Some kids need extra support, and the ones who often get missed are the kids the Bear Essentials program helps,” Aubrey says. “We’re so grateful for the support—it means the world to us.”

Thanks to the generosity of donors and the support of Bear Essentials, Roland and his family have found new hope and joy in their daily lives. Give today to make a difference for families like Roland’s.