An update about our holiday appeal
As you are no doubt aware, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers declared a nationwide strike on Friday, November 15, bringing mail delivery to a halt across the country.
We had a letter with a special ask for support printed, stuffed, and ready to be mailed to you first thing Monday morning. It’s now sitting in a warehouse, waiting to be delivered.
But do you know what can’t wait? The trips Island families need to take to access health care for their kids today.
In our letter to you, we share a story about a mother of four from Port Alberni. She spent months in Victoria last year, far away from home and her older children, when her son was born prematurely with serious health issues.
But thanks to Jeneece Place – and donors, like you, who keep it running – this mom had a place to call home, where her other children could come and stay, and be together during a really challenging time.
We hope that letter will be on its way to you soon. But in the meantime, we hope we can count on your support.
The holiday season is when many of our supporters who care about Island kids mail in their annual gifts. We rely on your generosity to ensure we can continue supporting Island kids on their health care journeys – in the new year and beyond.
Multiple ways to make a difference
The good news is that despite the mail strike, there are several easy options available for making your holiday gift:
- Online: You can make a donation on our website anytime that’s convenient for you. It’s quick, easy, secure, and reaches us immediately.
- By phone: You can call our office at 250-940-4950 during our open hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
- In person: If you’re in the Victoria area, you can also visit our office at 345 Wale Road and make a donation in person.
As always, we appreciate your support, and everything you make possible throughout the year for Island kids with complex health needs.