Meet our team: How fatherhood brought Amgad closer to our mission

To celebrate Leave a Legacy Month this May, we’re introducing our new Major Gifts and Legacy Giving Officer, Amgad Zaky. Like you, Amgad is deeply passionate about the health of Island kids.

Born and raised in Egypt, Amgad moved to New Brunswick in 2018 with his family after completing his post-graduate studies at the University of Waterloo in Ontario. Not long afterwards, their health care journey began to unfold.

We asked Amgad to share more about his journey and his personal connections with our cause.

“Charitable work has always been central to my professional journey in Canada and abroad. Before relocating to Canada, my passion for outreach and health promotion led me to spearhead various initiatives in my homeland, Egypt.

In January 2019, my world was rocked when my partner and I learned that our daughter, Annabella, who is turning five this year, would be born with a severe and potentially life-threatening condition. We had just settled into our new life in Canada after navigating immigration and adjusting to a new chapter — and this news hit us like a freight train.

Annabella’s case was severe, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead left me feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to cope. We were advised that Annabella would need to be born at a specialized medical facility.

We had to leave behind our home community to be close to the medical care Annabella required during her birth. I took time off work, and the financial burden of transportation and accommodation expenses quickly became apparent.

During this challenging time, our family needed a place to stay, and we received support from charitable organizations in our community. They provided guidance for financing medical costs, helping us navigate the uncertain road ahead with grace and resilience. The kindness and compassion we were shown reminded us that we were not alone and that there were people who cared deeply about supporting families in need.

Our family has navigated unexpected health struggles and, as a result, I intimately understand the emotional and financial burdens many families here on the Island encounter during those moments. That’s why I’m so motivated in my role at CHFVI — I want them to feel as supported as we did.

My journey to CHFVI stems from a deep-seated passion for connecting individuals with causes that genuinely resonate with them. Legacy giving is an area I’m specifically passionate about. It is a commitment that costs nothing now, but it has the power to make a significant, lasting difference in the future. I strongly believe that everyone, young and old, should consider the power of legacy giving.

What excites me most about helping our donors leave a legacy supporting Island kids for generations is the enduring impact it promises. Legacy giving transcends individual lifetimes, ensuring that the commitment made today and the support provided later on will continue to benefit children and families long into the future.

Reflecting on my family’s journey, I am reminded of the unwavering support that carried us through. Today, I invite you to join me as a beacon of hope for the many families in our region facing similar challenges. Countless Annabellas in our community need your support now and in the future”.

Ready to make a difference?
Amgad is eager to meet you and discuss how you can leave a lasting legacy for Island kids. Contact him today to learn more about legacy giving options and how you can ensure a healthier future for future generations.