Children’s Health Foundation honours outgoing board member, Sandra Hudson

Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island paid tribute to long serving board member, Sandra Hudson, at the Foundation’s Annual General Meeting, September 21, 2021.

Board Chair Bryan Thomson led the online gathering in a round of applause in appreciation of Sandra’s inspirational leadership, especially throughout her two terms as board chair. “Sandra has been an invaluable contributor to the Foundation’s success over the past near-decade,” said Bryan. “We thank her for her unrelenting dedication to the health of Island kids.”

The Foundation welcomed the addition of John McKendrick to the board. A long-time visitor to family on Vancouver Island, John recently retired to Victoria from Toronto where he excelled in managing public and private partnerships and major infrastructure projects as executive vice president of Infrastructure Ontario.

“John is a wonderful addition to the team, and we are grateful for his interest in rolling up his sleeves to join us in this work”, said Foundation CEO Veronica Carroll.

The following is a full list of the board of directors for 2021-22:

Board chair:     Bryan Thomson, BC Investment Management Corp. (retired)

Vice chair:        Cory Herrera, provincial public servant (retired)

Directors:         Colleen Evans, Councillor, City of Campbell River

Don Hubbard, President and CEO of Hubbard Consulting Ltd and Chairman of Atlas Engineered Products Ltd. (AEP.V)

Leah Mack, Lawyer, Mack & Company Law

Owen Matthews, General Partner, Wesley Clover

Doug McCorquodale, owner, Pacificus Biological Services

Dr. Norgrove Penny, orthopaedic surgeon

Pat Schneider, President, Macro Consulting

Ian Wheatley, Senior Associate, Greenard Group at Scotia Wealth Management

Dr. Megan McFadden, Shoreline Orthodontics

Paul Murray, Principal Consultant, Brentwood Advisory Group

Joanne Schroeder, former Executive Director at the Comox Valley Child Development Association (retired)

John McKendrick, Infrastructure consultant

“The dedication and commitment of our board of directors continues to motivate and inspire all of us at the Foundation,” said Veronica. “Between 2020 to 2021, with the leadership of our board and the generous support of donors, the Foundation invested more than $4.7 million into the community.

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