Save-On-Foods stocks Jeneece Place pantry

Families staying at Jeneece Place have ample food to prepare meals this winter, as Save-On-Foods has once again filled the pantry at Victoria’s home away from home.

Save-On-Foods delivered $600 worth of groceries and $1000 in gift cards to Jeneece Place today. This is the seventh year that Greater Victoria Save-On-Foods stores have rallied together in support of families staying at Jeneece Place.

“For the seventh year in a row we are proud to help fill the pantry at Jeneece Place and hopefully make life a little easier for the families staying there,” said Save-On-Foods Saanich store manager Ross Prendergast. “We believe in being there for important causes in our community and our eight stores in Greater Victoria are so happy for the opportunity to come together for the families who stay at Jeneece Place, and for the foundation that runs this incredible facility.”

“Families staying at Jeneece place are often experiencing some of the most stressful times of their lives and we’ve heard from them how much it means to feel the support and compassion of donors like Save-on-Foods,” says Veronica Carroll, CEO at Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island. “Thank you, Save-on-Foods, on behalf of all of the families that call Jeneece Place their home away from home while their children are receiving health care. This generous contribution allows families to utilize food in the pantry to make their own meals between hospital visits, so they don’t have to worry about grocery shopping and can instead focus on their child’s health.”

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