A message from our CEO on COVID-19

Please see the following message from our Foundation’s CEO Veronica Carroll amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

Dear friend,

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, our Foundation continues to monitor the situation closely and rely on the expertise of the local, provincial, and federal health authorities.

In these uncertain times, we want to communicate that our team remains dedicated to the health and safety of those we connect with including families, donors, our funded partners, and the general public. We want to do our part to stop the transmission of this virus so we have now taken measures to ensure our team is fully equipped to carry on working remotely. During this time you can connect with our team through all of the regular methods of email, phone, and social media.

Following the latest recommendations, we have also made the decision to postpone all upcoming Foundation events until further notice.

I ask that you please consider making a gift to us to support local families, or to a charity in your community, as now is the time families could use your support the most.

At Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island, the health of Island kids and families is our number one priority. We hope you and your loved ones stay healthy and calm during these difficult times.


Veronica Carroll  MBA, CFRE


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