Giving back to brighten family spirits

Adrian and Tracey D’Silva have been brightening children’s lives for 12 years through their unwavering generosity to Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island.

It all started in 2006. Adrian and Tracey had been working on a challenging job setting up Christmas lights on Oak Bay Avenue in Victoria. When the job was over they were inspired to make their first very generous gift to give meaning to their work. They wanted to support the many Island kids and families that depend on the Foundation.

In 2012, Adrian and Tracey chose to become monthly supporters. They realized how important it is to provide consistent support to the Foundation in order to give kids the very best potential to succeed.

For the past four years, this incredibly generous couple has also been responsible for putting up all the Christmas lights at Jeneece Place.

Jeneece Place is a ‘home away from home’ for families with children receiving medical care in Victoria. Located on the Victoria General Hospital grounds, it has everything families need, including 10 bedrooms, a kitchen, dining, living and play rooms, and a backyard.

This holiday season, a Jeneece House parent stopped Tracey while she was decorating. The mom thanked Tracey and said how much her family appreciated seeing the lights during their stay every year.

Tracey says she was ‘overwhelmed with emotion’ because she realized this small act was bringing someone true happiness! She was also struck by the fact that this family was spending their holidays in hospital instead of being at home celebrating Christmas with their loved ones.

Tracey and Adrian say they’ll continue to support Children’s Health Foundation in every way they can. In fact, they’ve already made a gift in their will to ensure a lasting legacy of children’s health.

We’re so very grateful – to Tracey and Adrian, and to YOU – for all you do to help children in need of exceptional health care!

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