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We welcome businesses, college & university groups, friend groups, family groups, and all other groups to complete this form for group volunteer opportunities with the Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island.
Note: this form is for groups only. Individuals interested in volunteering, please complete the individual volunteer application form.
Please note, parental/guardian consent will be required for those under the age of 19. Some volunteer roles have a minimum age requirement – more follow up may be required depending on the role.
Please note, some volunteer roles may require a criminal record check, including a vulnerable sector check. We will notify you if this is a requirement.
Terms & Conditions
I understand that my acceptance as a volunteer with Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island will be at the discretion of the Foundation.
I recognize that participation as a volunteer cannot be guaranteed.
I understand and agree that any omission or misrepresentation may be cause for refusal of volunteer placement.
I consent to a criminal record check (only for certain positions such as working in the homes or with vulnerable populations – we will notify you prior to conducting a check if it is required).
I acknowledge and confirm that all confidential information I gain through the course of my volunteering with CHFVI will remain in strict confidence during and after my volunteering with those agencies. I will respect confidential information that I am given regarding the organizations and persons involved, including clients, volunteers, donors, staff, and others.
Children’s Health Foundation collects information from you for the purpose of providing volunteer services. The information collected is treated as confidential and is only disclosed for the above purpose. I give consent to use the information as specified above.
I consent to having my references contacted (only for certain positions) & emergency contact (if needed).